The GRE has changed! Here's some of what you may want to know about the new test, and here are a few ways to practice.
This is from ETS, the company that publishes the GRE:
FREE, official test prep materials
POWERPREP® II software
Want to see what the computer-based
GRE® revised
General Test is really like? Download the only comprehensive test prep that is
as close to the actual test as you can get. Experience the new design features
first-hand, test-taking strategies, Analytical Writing scored sample essay
responses and more.
Book for the Paper-based GRE® revised General
Test >
Practice with the only simulated paper-based GRE revised General Test created
by the makers of the test. You get 1 full-length paper-based test, test-taking
strategies, sample questions, Analytical Writing scored sample essay responses
and more. A copy will be sent to you once you register for the paper-based GRE
revised General Test.
For test-taking strategies and tips for the paper-based test go to
Review >
Here's a look at the mathematical skills and concepts that may appear on the
GRE revised General Test.
Conventions >
Learn about the mathematical notations, symbols, terminology and guidelines for
interpreting information in the GRE revised General Test.
fee-based official test prep materials
Official Guide to the GRE® revised General Test >
From the makers of the GRE revised General Test, this test prep book provides a
full-length practice test, hundreds of authentic test questions, explanations
for many answers, test-taking strategies, sample essay responses with reader
commentary and more. A copy of the
on CD ROM is also included.
Online Writing Practice >
This online service lets you compose and submit essay responses online for
scoring, receive immediate scores on your responses to Analytical Writing
tasks, review sample responses and general suggestions for improving your
essay-writing skills and more.
view pricing>
Interactive Introduction (lecture, interview, polls, transcripts)
We have this book in class in paper form, but you can also get it as a nook-book and read it either on a nook or on your computer. You can probably also read it from an iPad or Android using the Nook App, or possibly from a Kindle.
This one is free: